Chelsea Physic Garden

About Chelsea Physic Garden

The Chelsea Physic garden bears a true testament to the strength of nature. The garden is the 2nd oldest botanic Garden in England and is particularly known for its wide range of medicinal plants that was a source of much use for apothecaries back in the Middle Ages. Thus this ½ acre garden was called “Apothecaries Garden” back in the 1600's. However its flora is not only medicinal and ranges from woodland trees, to botanical wonders and culinary spices and herbs. As well as a full-fledged alpine forest, the largest olive tree in Britain and various other beneficial deciduous trees.

The garden albeit being the oldest of its kind in Britain was only open for the public to venture through in 1993.

The Apothecaries initially leased the area from Sir John Danvers. The garden was then purchased by a Dr.Hans Sloane who was a reknowned botanist and only asked for the apothecaries to provide samples of 50 good herbariums/ year to the Royal Society. This lucrative contract worked in favour for the garden which thus remained preserved as it was not used for anything besides its general function.

Thus over the years the garden was a rich and valuable source of botany and under the auspices of Philip More the head of the Royal Society, the Golden age of the Chelsea Physic Garden was born.

However over the years with the flourishing of the Royal Bontanic Gardens in Kew, and the opening up of the garden to the public it has not maintained its former lustre and has since lost much of its land to redevelopment such as construction along its northern flank. Thus what remains is a former glorious and biological diverse 3.5. acres of very fruitful land in the centre of London. It has served its purpose over time and now rests in peace.



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